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The significance of Freebies

The simple truth is freebies have existed since businesses were built. The only difference is today, it is distributed online. Back in the day, these samples by mail were given away in the entrances of stores. Most often, they were food. It had been referred to as a "free taste". Restaurants and bakeries would offer free tastings of their food to be able to entice customers to buy or eat in their restaurants. It's actually a great marketing strategy to encourage customers to buy. It's so great that it has survived and evolved into a large web marketing strategy. With freebies, companies see a lot of growth in consumer loyalty not to mention, profits.

Now given away online, consumers can easily gain access to various free samples. Included in this are food coupons, food samples, toiletries, things for the home far more more. Now revitalized into an online phenomenon, it's possible to help but wonder on why freebies are important and why they've taken over the internet.

1. Times are becoming tougher and tougher. Companies are struggling to make a good profit while consumers are struggling to stretch their budgets. With freebies, companies can get those consumers to remember them and purchase from their store whenever they can. On the other end from the spectrum, consumers see freebies as a way to save on basic necessities and even simple luxuries.

free stuff

2. Companies and consumers in the online world. It has been said a lot of times: the internet is excellent invention. It made the planet smaller by allowing everyone access to just about everything. With social networking sites and websites, consumers are always online. We research online, do business online, work online, connect with our friends and family online, buy online and do almost everything online. With this particular companies recognized how having an online presence can greatly affect the success and downfall of the business. Consumers need to visit you online. We now have equated reliability with internet presence. The best way to stand-out in the online world would be to hand out freebies. These attract consumers.

3. Consumers cannot waste money anymore. Unlike before when life was easier and, consumers can no longer throw away cash on trying out services. Before, it was alright to spend money simply to try on new things. That isn't the situation nowadays. With budgets getting tighter and tighter, individuals are simply unwilling to risk wasting cash on something new. This is when freebies come in. It allows consumers to try the product without having to spend money. When they like it, they'll buy it. This is actually the main marketing backbone of freebies. Companies spend some money on free samples but gain a lot with breaking through competition along with a mountain of new loyal consumers.

These are a few of the reasons why freebies are important. It is the driving force that allows businesses to thrive and consumers to minimize their expenses. Freebies allow businesses introducing new products and entice consumers to buy these products. For consumers, free samples allow them to save some money and avoid wasting it by purchasing a new product that they would not really like.