
Kohteesta Geocaching Wiki Finland
Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun

In this how to article, we are going to describe the easiest way to create your layout and artwork for your Customized Can Koozies. We will be talking mainly about a typical foam sleeve, which is created to fit on a 12 ounce can.

The typical imprinting area on foam koozies is normally 3 1/4" (h) x 3 1/4 for a single side. You will want to ensure that if you are writing text and or submitting artwork it will be able to fit within this area. You are also able to add your own design to the backside as well if you wish.

When creating artwork for the Personalized Can Koozies, do not submit art that has jagged edges or has shade and colors in it. It is typically best to use just black and white coloring. As with any form of screen printing, if you have the ability to create your file using Adobe Illustrator and submit a.ai file that would be the best. However, if you cannot submit an.ai, you must be sure to use a true.TIF or.BMP file and many companies allow for Corel Draw files.cd. If you are unsure, you can always submit your artwork prior to ordering to see if it is suitable.

It is imperative that you do not just take images off the internet such as files from clipart galleries. These have a very low resolution and will not work on your imprinted koozies. Most online shops will already have artwork created that you can select from, and some might even be able to take a drawing you have done and create it within Adobe Illustrator. There will of course be an extra charge, but perhaps worth it for you.

What we like to do before we begin to actually design our artwork, is hand draw the actual layout on a blank piece of white paper. You can use a ruler and mark out the exact dimensions that you will need. You can also create an image in your graphic program, with the size dimensions, and then expand it and keep proportions. It is typically easier for a company to shrink the image than to enlarge it. Enlarging it can cause distortion and jagged edges amongst many other things.

Once you have your design all ready, you can then go to the Koozies website and place your order. Hopefully you have already decided upon the color schemes and how many you want. In most instances if there are any problems with the artwork you will receive an email or phone call. As you can see, it is not really difficult to get your Custom Can Koozies.