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(Ak: Uusi sivu: I awoke one morning and remarked that I've lived through more than one-quarter of the American Experience! It's simple, terrifying Math. In 1776 the Nation was created. That was 2...)
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Nykyinen versio 3. tammikuuta 2013 kello 23.43

I awoke one morning and remarked that I've lived through more than one-quarter of the American Experience!

It's simple, terrifying Math. In 1776 the Nation was created. That was 235 years back. In 1951, I had been born. That was Six decades ago. Yep, I have been around for around 26% from the American Experience!

When i review my very own life, and determine where you can from here, I realize I can't help but to take a look at in which the duration of my life has been spent historically. I suppose I had the typically American experience of getting older, getting curious about other cultures, and then finding that there is a lotta stuff happening over and back there which i was absolutely oblivious to! Why? Since i was so obsessed with the NOW as defined by today's America. Strangely enough, within this moment, it's kind of simple to pinpoint what occurred with me however it has taken us a while to determine the way it worked.

getting old

My first thought after i had my realization was, Lordy, america was not around for but a heartbeat! I'm not quite sure whether that was my way of diverting thoughts of my very own mortality, but regardless, it comforted me. Which is actually a key perspective that keeps coming up for me in many areas. NOTHING of what we accept as reality has been around very long and we best not lose sight of that fact.

Which includes what we call "Modern Medicine", you know. Here are a few stuff that Wikipedia has to say about it:

   Medicine was revolutionized in the 1800s and beyond by advances in chemistry and laboratory techniques and equipment, old ideas of infectious disease epidemiology were replaced with bacteriology and virology.
   Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865) in 1847 dramatically reduced the death rate of recent mothers from child bed fever through the simple expedient of requiring physicians to clean their hands before taking care of women in childbirth. His discovery pre-dated the germ theory of disease. However, his discoveries weren't appreciated by his contemporaries and arrived to general use only with discoveries of British surgeon Joseph Lister, who in 1865 proved the foundations of antisepsis within the management of wounds; However, medical conservatism on new breakthroughs in pre-existing science prevented them from being generally well accepted during the 1800s.

So, really folks, what exactly are we talking, less than 150 years? It took a great fifty years for the concepts we accept as standard operating procedure to get traction, so functionally, we're taking a look at just because the Twentieth century. And also the point that we need to look into medicine today is it takes a long time to get people to begin using techniques and therapies which make a difference.

Could it be fair to state that Western Medicine in general is in its infancy? Could it be fair to state we haven't even begun to understand what we do not know? Let's put it by doing this; all of the medicine we used today is dependant on the failure of most every medicine that came before it.

Within this very minute, using emergency medicine as a metaphor, you will find individuals focusing on new methods to emergency intervention based on the knowledge that what we're using at this time is outdated and ineffectual. They are going to have to spend YEARS convincing everybody else they're on the right track before any of it gets into an ambulance. The process calls for a uniting of such things because the legislation, politics, publicity and marketing, of these situations are the grease that turns the wheels in today's world.

It will likely be DECADES before we discover things that are ALREADY developed getting used in the streets. And, within our American way of fulfillment of Darwinism, the outcome is going to be survival from the fittest, but that means determining factors mentioned above will set the pace. First, whatever efficacious approach that's been devised should be tell you an enormous gauntlet of resistance; usually by the very pros who will ultimately embrace the brand new approach. First comes innovation; then comes the sale.

I keep harping about this. I know I'm a pain! But for me, that perspective has really simplified what I'm doing here. I'm emphasizing that prescription medication is not concerning the system or even the interventions used, it is all about the people served and the people who serve them and just how they are treated as people! Everything else is interchangeable. All the time we should keep in mind that both our therapies AND our therapists are subject to failure!

All I'm asking is that you take this into account when you choose to hook up your patients towards the newest and also the greatest gadgets and not listen to them. It is so very easy to put your priorities on following protocols and ABC's and never really observe that there's a individual before you since your focus is on the "Problem".

And just how a lot more does that apply to the way you deal with one another? Just how much attention do you pay to each other as people doing stressfull and important work? Really, since nobody else appears to recognize how challenging the job is, wrong with you acknowledging that to and for each other?

The thing is, historically we've advanced in our medical techniques, therapies, medicaments, procedures and on as well as on. We've increased our knowledge exponentially in the way the body works. Good Lord, we've certainly done enough experimentation, haven't we?! But as that body of knowledge has gotten expanded, we've virtually put zero energy into finding out how to mobilize the patient's own defenses through things like word and touch.

Call me crazy, but I predict fifty years from now medics in all modalities will be using speech and sound patterns to help patient smobilize their own immune or rejuvenative systems to stabilize THEMSELVES for transport! And call me even crazier since i know such concepts are now being worked with at this time, by medics who won't dare discuss it until they are my age!

Which leads me into my conclusion. With all these advances in medical innovation we've done nothing to understand how you can really work with each other varieties so the stress of DELIVERING all of this new stuff is more evenly distributed. Right now, we're just handed stuff and told to use it. I don't know if you have noticed, but a big part of being a human being is asking "Why?" That, indeed, is what precedes innovation.

But questions of "Why" also live in such areas as morals, philosophy, spirituality and emotion. This is what we deny. Essentially, we throw our medics into patient care with overloaded toolboxes but little support in carrying them. The culture EXPECTS the medic can decipher it with their own. There is however no attention being paid to what that looks like. Unfortunately, many medics are penalized in one way or another (burnout) for even looking.