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(Ak: Uusi sivu: All lot of tips about sailing in Portugal and in general The second reason you over-tension the halyard then ease it down rather than set the sail with too little halyard tensio...)
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Nykyinen versio 27. marraskuuta 2012 kello 20.23

All lot of tips about sailing in Portugal and in general

The second reason you over-tension the halyard then ease it down rather than set the sail with too little halyard tension than try to raise it, is friction. If when you are sailing on a close-hauled course in a decent breeze and you see horizontal wrinkles appearing in the sail behind the forestay, you know the halyard needs to be tensioned. If at this point, you wrap the halyard around a winch and crank merrily away, you will only tension the top portion of the sail.

On the new tack, you can sailing in portugal ease the halyard if necessary, to properly tension the luff. A small dinghy will be more responsive and easier to maneuver, and is also perfect for practicing test capsizes in. Have a leaking mast boot? Replace it with a waterproof and inexpensive repair. Wrap an ace bandage tightly around the bottom of the mast. Find that can of Dip Whip that you have been putting off using to whip the ends of all those frayed lines. Paint three coats of Dip Whip over the ace bandage.

These include always telling someone before you go out on the water, always bringing a floatation device and knowing in advance how to swim. For additional information, please see our safe boating pages. Research tide, wind and weather conditions. Check the weather forecast so you can be prepared for whatever the weather might bring. Be sure to bring along adequate provisions, clothing and basic weather gear as needed.

sailing in portugal - Boating and sailing basics means always being prepared. Both novice and experienced sailors alike can benefit from a quick review of these beginner sailing in Portugal basics. Choose calm, uncrowded waters If you’re just starting to master sailing basics and learn how to sail, then one of the most important beginner sailing tips to remember is to practice in ideal conditions of light winds and low traffic. Choose a small boat to learn how to sail It’s easier to learn how to sail with fewer lines and sails.

As you start to trim the jib sheet you will see that the sail looks full first at the clew, then as you trim it in, the sail fills from the clew forward with the leading edge of the sail, the luff, the last part to stop luffing. Easing the jib sheet to depower is effective, but it is not efficient. Become familiar with sail control The best sailors are the ones who are able to adjust sail settings to take the best advantage of different wind and water conditions. In general, sails should be relatively flat when the wind is either very light or very strong, and full when there is a moderate wind.

Heidi Trisch and Peter Androski, from Providence, RI took the Offshore Sailing School Live Aboard Cruising course in the British Virgin Islands. Many Offshore Sailing School graduates tell us they didn't realize how much the didn't know until they took our sailing course. If you've never sailed before the process is easy because you're starting from scratch. If you already sail a Learn to Sail or Cruising course with Offshore Sailing School will fill the gaps nicely.

sailing in portugal - Fast Track to Sailing, published in 2009, is available in e-book format. Each covers the information needed for a solid foundation in basic sailing, cruising sailing at several levels, and performance sailing and racing. The sailing tips offered in this section come from those books and are meant to give you enough information to want more. You will find these helpful when considering a specific topic, and from time to time as you visit this area, you will find additional chapters and sections from our books added.

sailing in portugal - Respect the boom Some of the most common sailing injuries are a result of not being aware when the boom is about to swing. To avoid a bump to the head, or even worse, being knocked overboard, one of the most important beginner sailing tips to always remember for both passengers and crew is to be conscious and respectful of the boom at all times. Learn basic sailing terms. Before you venture out on your first trip, be sure to acquaint yourself with basic sailing terms. Make sure you know the difference between port, starboard, and other important concepts.

The least amount of load on the halyard in any given breeze is when the sail is luffing. So when you first raise the sail is the best time to tension the halyard to its maximum height which occurs when vertical wrinkles appear behind the headstay. The maximum load on the luff of the jib occurs when you are sailing close-hauled. In order to decrease this load to adjust the halyard it's best to ease the sheet, have the helmsperson head toward the wind, and then with the front of the sail luffing, tension the halyard. You can see more at if you want.