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It has never been so easy to modify your electricity provider to a green power. Nevertheless, you will find examples of green power, and you may normally choose between a mixture of regular and green and 100% renewable energy.

Regardless of what your ethics are regarding the source of the power you use, its price is going to be highly relevant to you and it is believed by many people that renewable energy is expensive and that by switching their provider to green power they will face higher monthly bills. Wrong! Examples of these sources are solar cells, tidal power, wind generators as well as hydro-electricity, and these are extremely less expensive than nuclear power plants and can be less expensive than traditional fossil fuels for example oil or coal-powered elecytricity generators.

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Nevertheless, surely you would surey think very carefully if you were offered the possibility of switching your electricity provider to some green company that offered the choice between 100% alternative energy or perhaps a combination of the two, would you not? Of course you'd - with certain provisos.

Nearly all companies and individuals are usually satisfied with their existing gas and electricity providers; otherwise they'd already have made the modification. It might therefore have a very good offer to tease them away to an alternative. If the alternative would be a source of power that was greener and renewable, then that would easily be an incentive, although the problem is that oftentimes people have no real interest in whether their power source can be sustained or otherwise. All they are thinking about is price.

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Motives such as reducing the consumption of non-renewable fuels and saving the planet come second to income generation within the eyes of corporations and some individuals. As long as it will what it really has to do then the least expensive is going to be most preferred, there are few doubts that oil and coal provide inexpensive electricity reliably and simply. In fact, alternative energy can work out around 30% less expensive than traditional fossil fuel sources, and shoiuld render them very attractive propositions to corporations, non-profit organizations also to individual consumers.

In spite of the facts many are unaware of this, and the green industries have done a really poor job in educating people on the true cost situation. If consumers: business, individuals or perhaps charities could be provided with a green source of energy saving them as much as 30% on their existing bills they would not hesitate to change over.

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In fact, that's the situation right now! You are able to reduce your electricy charges by switching out of your regular electricity provider to some renewable energy source known as 'green power' - but only using the right sustainable power provider. Another thing to keep in mind is that one day in not too distant future there won't be any fossil fuels left after which what will happen? Your grand kids needing to tolerate nuclear power plants becoming an adult all over the countryside?

No, I am sure not. Look around to find the best green power offers available, and you'll find that altering your electricity supplier is free of charge, your regular bills will drop, and your grandchildren will appreciate it.