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Listing of Good E-mail marketing Practices

   Build a list of people who will benefit out of your message. Your campaign starts with a list of emails. The more contacts you have in your list the greater. But what's the good of getting 100,000 contacts if 90% of them are uninterested with what your message is?
   Capture 100% opt-ins by giving your prospects the option to sign up through trade shows, website or social media newsletter sign-up.
   There are a few pretty cool e-mail marketing softwares for purchase available but I prefer to use online email software. Its cost-effective, scalable and created to be very easy to use. With regards to these platforms some are good and some are bad. I favor i-Contact.
   Build a branded template to represent your companies image. You usually have the option to choose from pre-built templates or a more customized design you are able to hire a specialist to construct your vision.
   Schedule specific messages to coincide with goals you need to highlight.
   Run click-through reports to discover what groups are interested in what service or product you are offering. Then bundle those groups into specific lists that receive those specific campaigns.

email marketing

   Link your messages with any social networking accounts you've setup. this increases your visibility.
   Educate yourself with CAN-SPAM Act. Always give your recipients the option to opt-out of the messages.
   Utilize the multiple reporting features you have available. This is the way you will refine your marketing and discover what's workin and what isn't.
   Create a interconnected web-work online. Link you campaign for you website, social networking, blogs etc.

List of Bad E-mail marketing Practices

   Don't get your list. This is a big no no and may get you banned. There are many companies on the internet that will sell you mailing lists. However , they sell those same lists to hundreds of others. Imagine being among the people on those lists and becoming bombarded by each one of these companies. Someone will complain and that is when people get blacklisted.
   Send your messages utilizing a business email. When your message comes across and it is sent from [blahblah@gmail.com] it simply doesn't seem as professional.
   Do not add people to your list without them knowing. Its from the CAN-SPAM Act. and also the law.
   Most email messaging software requires that you possess an opt-out option on you email, however if there isn't, make sure you don't send without it.
   Don't try to jam an excessive amount of content into one blast. This might overwhelm the recipient and switch them off.
   Keep your design consistent. Don't send out a circus of images and content. Your message should center around the brand of the company.
   Try to not message to often. Daily could make people angry.
   Don't send with only images. Most email providers have images turned off automatically. For those who have text the recipient will at least know what the message is all about until they are able to activate images.
   Don't send with no online connect to your email message. If people cannot begin to see the message in their email they will be redirected for an online version where they are able to see you message.
   Don't forget to review your reports to determine what your market wants.