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So you have decided you want to enter into better shape and you are prepared to hire your own personal trainer. Don't make the mistake of thinking the first is just as good as another.

What can you do to make sure to choose the best fitness expert?

Although I am not an individual trainer myself, as being a partner in a nutrition and health company has given me the opportunity to meet and talk with very knowledgeable people in the industry.

I will tell you from firsthand experience, all trainers are not alike.

Your first question may be "How will i look for a personal trainer?"

Where to find one is at the local gym. If you aren't yet a gym member, then you can call three or four of the local gyms and get if they could recommend an individual trainer for you personally.

You will want to get the names with a minimum of Two or three different trainers since you might not "click" using the 1st or 2nd person you speak with.

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The idea is to "interview" the trainers. You won't want to hire the very first person that raises their hand and says "Hi, me, I am a fitness expert!"

Remember that you're looking to hire someone for any "job". That job would be to assist you to set and attain certain physical fitness goals.

Knowing that, here are 5 qualities you need to search for when you are looking to hire a "personal trainer":

   Experience: Nothing against newcomers but personally I would like somebody who has a track record. What i mean is you want a trainer which has (or had) other clients who have been in the same starting point you are. Same sex, age range, size, health issues and goals. A trainer that has trained people like you coupled with success!
   Appearance: I would like a trainer who are able to not just "talk the talk" but who also "walks the walk". That means I'm not going to employ a personal trainer that looks like they spend more time in the buffet line than they do at the gym. So far as I'm concerned, a good fitness expert has to look the part. Not "muscle bound", but with a great physique.
   Compatibility: Your trainer should be someone you are feeling comfortable speaking with and taking advice from. There needs to be a particular balance there between friend and authority figure. You would like someone you feel you can trust to "push you" to do what you otherwise may not do on your own.
   Passion: Some have it, some don't. You'll need a trainer who is enthusiastic about the things they're doing. It's a fairly easy thing to identify whenever you consider it. Passion is one thing that shows through in their voice and their attitude once they discuss what they do. An excellent trainer enjoys sharing, teaching and helping others to succeed.
   Focus: A great trainer is a that concentrates on making sure you're the focus when it is your time and effort to coach. They won't place you on the machine and leave to talk using their gym buddies, or eat lunch or text their friends. Their attention and focus is you, your posture, your form and your mindset.

A great fitness expert is a that will make you sweat, push you to your limit and beyond, keep you motivated to help keep going whenever you think you can't, correct you whenever you think you're doing it right, and challenge you to do more than what you think you can, and then make you want to do it again the next day!

Okay, so excellent fitness instructors are difficult to find however i promise you, by trying with enough contentration, you'll find one. And there is no better time to begin looking than right now.

Yes, you might have a couple dud trainers before you decide to find a great one, but you can't let that stop you. After all, there is nothing more essential than your wellbeing.