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Life Coaching can be a life changing experience for many people. This report on life coaching will answer some common questions that people have who are considering hiring a life coach.

1. What can I expect from a life coach?

A Life coach acts as a mentor, a catalyst and a supporter. A life coach focuses on you and you attaining your goals. A life coach can help you achieve success, happiness and balance in your life.

2. How does a Life Coach Pittsburgh do this?

A life coach works with you helping to identify and set goals. A life coach will help you clarify your values and create a personal vision for success. A life coach will help you prepare an action plan and will hold you accountable for taking action. Most coaches will hold 3-4 one hour sessions a month. These sessions are usually done over the phone.

3. What's the difference between a certified coach and a non certified coach?

This is a gray area as there is no set standard of certification. Anyone can take one of the many on line courses and become "certified". It's more important to find a coach with some life experiences and common sense. Most important find a coach you can trust and build a rapport.

4. How do I find the right Pittsburgh Life Coach?

These are several ways to finding the right life coach. By word of mouth, Online using Google, The International Coaching Federation, local coaching groups. In any case you should contact at least three coaches. Most coaches offer a free "Discovery Session". This will give you a chance to get a feel for the coach's style and help you decide which coach is right for you.

5. How much do coaches charge?

Coaching fees range from $100.00 to $1,000.00 and more a month. The average is around $300.00 a month. Usually you'll have 3-4 one hour phone sessions a month. Between sessions the coach will give you an activity to complete before the next session. Stay away from any coach that wants 3-4 months payment up front or wants you to sign a contract. You want to be able to end the coaching relationship if it doesn't work out.

6. What's the best way to guarantee success?

While there are no guarantees, there are things you and your coach can do to make the relationship a success Subliminal Selling. First find the right coach for you. Second be open to new ideas, challenges and change. Be coachable and expect success.

I hope the above questions and answers help to clarify the role a life coach can make in your life. The most important thing to remember about life coaching is that your success lies within you! A life coach will help you identify your strengths and focus on goals that are important to you. They will help you overcome obstacles and work to strengthen your weaknesses. But the final key to success is you.