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Data destruction can be a term that refers to the removal or eradication of magnetic or optical computer storage media. The method of destruction varies, dependent upon the medium and method used in the method. The aim of data destruction is always to physically destroy the info so as to eliminate the possibility of recovery.

more info here - ATI Secure Docs - Computer storage media requires some form of sanitization after it's working life, particularly if it holds sensitive information that can inadvertently be read by organizations. This really is extremely strongly related businesses and corporations, where data could have information related to everyone or organizations, for example clients. Similarly, confidential corporate information, including patent designs, business strategies as well as other sensitive data could easily be accessed by organizations when the information is not removed.

Like i said previously at the outset, methods of destruction vary, based upon storage medium. For every storage medium, a variety of destruction techniques also exist.

ATI Secure Docs - Optical media, for example cd roms, DVDs may be destroyed by granulating the plastics into 5mm chips. This process doesn't remove the data, but makes recovery near impossible. However, removal of the thin film that coats the very best side of the disk, by scraping, scouring or sanding will physically destroy the info. By contrast, using microwave ovens, a less conventional technique, is extremely effective due to the static charge and consequent arcing over the thin film storage layer of the disk.

Typical modern magnetic media constitutes tape backup units and Hard Hard drives. Unfortunately, tape backup units are extremely tough to destroy, as a result of length of the tape, upon which a movie of iron oxide layer retains the magnetic media. Shredding of these media is achievable, but requires significant expense in plant capable of handling such devices. Acids, particularly, Nitric acid, at 50% concentration, will react violently with all the iron oxide layer, destroying it entirely within minutes. However, this method demands the removal of the outer plastic case to adequately expose the inner media storage tape. In certain circumstances, incineration with the storage media might be an option. However, this could inadvertently expose the operator to carenogens and may be dissalowed certain countries.

ATI Secure Docs - The range of Computer drives available, approach to connectivity (SATA, IDA, ATA, SCA, SCSI) implies that data destruction software has had to become intelligent enough to tell apart between these different interfaces. Software driven destruction of hard disks is really a highly efficient eradication technique that has been shrouded in urban myths, masking the true ease in which data may be permanently removed. In many instances, just one pass binary wipe (writing random zeros and ones to the drive) will permanently remove all data from the memory. However, international standards exist, which all require more wiping processes, most of which will inadvertently result in complete failure from the hard disk drive due to the high temperatures generated.