Laptop vs Netbook Comparison

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Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
  Netbooks  have a smaller screen size (less than 12-inches) and smaller keyboard size. They are designed to be simple and can be used to perform easy tasks like e-mail, Internet browsing, light entertainment and light productivity. Laptops can range in any screen size and can be built to do complex and graphics intensive tasks.
 As netbooks do simple tasks, they are best used as a companion PC rather than a primary PC.
  Netbooks  use low power processors like Intel®  AtomTM  and Intel®  CeleronTM  processors, while  laptops  use relatively power intensive processors.
 Due to use of lower power,  netbooks  have very long battery life and can usually last a long time with a single charge compared to  laptops .
 Because netbooks are small and lightweight, they can be carried in a regular bag and may not need a specialized case for it.
  Netbooks  also generally come with integrated graphics capability, thus limiting the ability to intensive graphics and related tasks.
 Due to the nature of companion PCs, netbooks typically have lower RAM (Random Access Memory) and lower HDD (Hard Drive) capacity as compared to laptops.
 Netbooks are not built with internal CD/DVD drives as content used are mostly downloaded or stored in the hard disk drives. However, one can use an external CD/DVD drive and connect to the netbook using the USB port.

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