Also See: Michael Jackson Death Deception127114
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h1. IMPORTANT! I want to add a video from Jon Bon Jovi singing America The Beautiful (better than anyone I have ever heard anyone sing it). I wonder how many of the NYPD that are with him, I wonder how many of America, I wonder if Jon Bon Jovi himself, understands it was our own leaders that orchestrated 9/11?...No doubt alot of the fireman that were there that day have since figured out that 9/11 was an inside job and it was bombs inside the buildings that brought down the twin towers and NOT jet fuel. More need to speak out, some already have. The time to stay silent is over.....Because until America and Americans understand this.......America will NEVER be Beautiful again!!!!!!!!!!!! AMERICA IS GONE... IT'S UP TO THE PEOPLE TO TAKE IT BACK... --
We at TheConspiracyZone will not have many articles following up this one for a little while, unless it is of utmost importance. We think if you don't understand the impact of this article, then you likely will never get it. Until then, pass this along, and most importantly, STOP, THINK AND STOP LETTING THE ILLUMINISTS THAT RUN THIS NATION TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHTS, YOUR LIBERTIES AND YOUR INHERENT GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!!!! --
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Also See: Michael Jackson Death Hoax
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