Jave travel and big benefits..985214

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Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun

East Java (Indonesian: Jawa Timur, Javanese: Jawa Wétan) is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the eastern part of the island of Java. Its capital is Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia and a major industrial center and port.East Java also has some of the most popular tourism assets in Indonesia. Such as Mount Bromo, Mount Kelud, Banyuwangi distinctive culture, and much more. Along with the development of this type, tourism industry is also growing rapidly. As the hospitality industry, restaurant, cafe, and much more. To enjoy the type of assets in East Java, you should look for travel guides that you can find in airports, tourist information centers, and the Internet. Because of the internet, you can find lots of travel information provider's East Java. So, enjoy the stunning East Java. Because you certainly will not regret it.